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Student-led Leadership Conference

December 21st, 2022

Earlier this fall, SBS students attended the Woodstock Academy Student-Led Leadership Conference at Woodstock Academy in Woodstock, Connecticut. SBS student leaders - representing members of Student Council (StuCo), Blue Key Ambassadors, STARS, (Student Alumnae Relations Society), affinity groups, and Resident Assistants (RAs) - joined students from Woodstock Academy and other area schools for discussions and workshops with local and regional leaders. 

One of our student leaders, Drew ‘24, who is an RA and a member of the Students of Color (SOC) and Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) affinity groups, shared about her favorite workshop: Leadership Through Service & Action. Drew reported, “I liked the five characteristics of the servant leader: 1. listening, 2. appreciation, 3. humility, 4. trust, and 5. care. It made me think, "Do I do these things? Do I have these characteristics?' And, if not, what can I do in my life to bring more of these characteristics into my life and make them an active part of who I am and what I do?" Drew concluded that, “There's not one way to be a leader. It takes multiple steps and a lot of hard work.”, and is motivated to apply what she learned from the Woodstock Academy Student-Led Leadership Conference to her work as a student-leader at SBS.

The topics were varied and ranged from digital citizenship and teamwork to the importance of community service and mentorship. Each workshop was designed to be interactive and thought-provoking, leaving student participants with a lasting set of tools with which to develop their own leadership. The Student-Led Leadership Conference successfully brought together a diverse group of student leaders with the goal of “Engaging community leaders in educating students to be tomorrow’s leaders.” Thank you to our friends at Woodstock Academy for hosting this student-led conference.