Ready to apply? 

Stoneleigh-Burnham School accepts applications on a rolling basis throughout the year across all grades as space permits.

SBS continues to accept applications as the decision date of March 10 approaches. We encourage you to apply and contact us if you have any questions.

Here’s what to do next:

  1. Complete your application: 
  2. Schedule your interview with a member of the Admissions team:
    • Interviews are to be organized in advance and are available on-campus, off-campus, or virtually via Zoom.
  3. Additional Testing: 
    • Domestic Applicants: Demonstrating our commitment to equity and a holistic application review, Stoneleigh-Burnham School no longer requires standardized testing as part of the application process.
    • International Applicants: Stoneleigh-Burnham School requires an English language assessment if English is not their first language. SBS accepts TOEFL, TOEFL Jr., Duolingo and IELTS.
      • While there are no required minimum scores, it is important to work with the Admissions Office to get the preferred scores needed for your grade level. 
      • SBS offers English Language support to students that may need the extra help to bring their English up to grade level should they enter SBS without the preferred language scores.


Contact Admissions

[email protected]



Important Deadlines

Please keep these important deadlines in mind and stay in contact with admissions to ensure your application and enrollment materials are complete.

February 15: All admission application materials due for first-round admission decisions
March 10: First-round admission decisions are announced
March 11: Rolling admission begins
April 10: Enrollment agreement and deposit due for first round admits